15 lipca 2018
Krzysztof Wirpsza
Serial: Doorways Theory
Psychedelic Aquarium
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Psychedelic Aquarium
art project by:
Kristof Wirpsza (sculpting, painting)
assisted by:
Kasia Durlak (painting)
Place: Arcadia, Greece
So we eventually did finish the whole thing. It took exactly 5 weeks working 4 hours per day, 6 day per week, with my wife participating for the last 2 weeks.
Inside the Aquarium, you see Fish. Some Fish may initially appear scary or weird, but as you get to know them, you see they are actually (a-haaaa...) friendly. (Please note: they might have their own peculiarities of style and the implied „friendliness” would accordingly need some time to be elucidated; but no worries: it's there).
What hits you right where you enter is Mr. Squid. This nice gentleman is delighted to introduce you to his menagerie, of whom he takes good care (at times of my absence) and to whom he kindly presides.
And now, to begin. On your left, Cool Blue Abyss where no common rules apply. Tis' a place where you can encounter the most Original and Astounding creatures in the whole Ocean, Two Fish lurk here just behind your shoulder in the deep stillwaters. Their names are Messrs Draco Pink and Sylvester Fishburne, Jr.
Often seen absorbed in undending disputes over the nature of Everything,
Their close acquainatnce, the creature known to science as Autistus Eo-Ipsus, Prozakowski-Meyerholtz (commonly inhabiting the bottom of the Mariana Trench) is among the most self-sufficient vertebrates ever discovered. It can actually spend a lifetime gazing at the little lantern on the tip of its tail absolutely engrossed by the experience.
(Autee – for friends.)
The opposite pane of the Aquarium gives us a rare insight into the life of ocen shelf. As opposed to the stillwaters of Mariana Trench, this mode of being remains much more easy and lighthearted.
On the very top of the shelf, in the turquoise and luminous waters that are reasonably close to the surface of the Ocean, we can spot the happy Ms Smashing Beauty. Nothing more can be said about that personage, except that she is Smashing Beautiful but that should suffice!
In the ocean shelf you can also meet the rare and dignified Megalovirus pantocreator, more commonly recognized as Ms Happyflame. The housewife of Sir Egon Thickskin, of whom we shall still have a chance to talk, she is said to be the most imaginative of all creatures in the Sea. She is also a very social one, known to spread a shining aureola of positive energy that happens to be contagious.
One that is yet awaiting our visit, and at the blue bottom of the ocean shelf, is the oldest inhabitant of the Aquarium, the venerable Papa Lobster the 177th. His wisdom and compassion by far surmount those of all sea creatures, including even the Great Coral Turtle, a half legendary escapee from Fukushima. In the ocean he is treated with great respect and often asked for advice.
We are now moving on to the fourth pane of the Aquarium, which is the Coral Reef.
It is the home of the thick skinned Sir Egon Thickskin of the genus Stingray (called so for having seemingly no feelings, and yet, if only left alone, remaining exceedingly happy). It is noteworthy that Egon's skin is thick like that of a crocodile, long tail hiding a sting, which can be deadly for unwary traveller. Besides, Sir Egon although valued for his perseverance (and immaculate character) is also known to be stingy, aloof, and antisocial.
With that, it is time to end our unusual procession of most peculiar Fish.
The time has come to say Goodbye.
Thank You for watching our uncommon show. And if you find yourself in Greece, look for the land of Arcadia in the center of Peloponese. And if you direct your steps there, do visit also Megalopoli, formerly the greatest of Greek polis, at present a small town amidst white ruins and green mountains. Stay with Us, eat and drink and be merry, sit under the canopy of vine, tell your story and then run with the Fauns and Nymphs, swim in ancient waterfalls.
The text and the pics first appeared on Author's blog, www.doorwaystheory.com.
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